Additional Information for Research Participants

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Do you qualify for the study?

You qualify if you . . .

  • Are a heterosexual Black couple who have been together for at least 2 years
  • Are currently living with your partner in the state of Georgia  or in the state of Minnesota
  • Or your partner are between the ages of 20 and 65 (At least one of you must fit that age range)
  • Are not experiencing any forms of domestic violence in the relationship
  • Are not currently involved with any forms of clinical managed care

How long does the study last?

picture for timeline

We expect that you will be in this research study for about one year. There are four study phases

Phase 1 (Pre-Intervention): You will complete an online survey about your eating behaviors, feelings, emotions, and your relationship. This assessment will be facilitated by a trained study staff member. This will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. You will also fill out a series of very short surveys over the course of 7 days. Over those 7 days, you will receive text messages from us asking you to tell us what you are doing and how you are feeling. All you need to do when you receive those text messages is click on the survey link and take 5 minutes to answer the questions you see. In addition, if there are moments when you are feeling stress, we would like for you to click on a brief survey link we will provide, and answer a few questions that will help us understand your stress. It will take you about 5 minutes to answer those brief questions.

Phase 2 (Intervention): You will be asked to engage in a series of stress-decreasing activities over the course of 3 weeks. 

Phase 3 (Post-Intervention – within one week): You will again complete the same survey that you responded to in Phase 1. Again, you will receive text messages over 7 days asking you to complete the brief stress questions.

Phase 4 (3-month follow-up): You will complete the survey that you responded to in Phases 1 and 3. You will receive text messages over 7 days asking you to complete the brief stress questions.

Are there any benefits my partner and I will receive for participating in this study?

What are the benefits for participating in this study?

We cannot promise any benefits to you or others from your taking part in this research. However, possible benefits include helping you relax more and reduce stress which may improve your relationship. That relaxation and reduced stress may continue after the study is over. This study may benefit others because it may help us better understand stress and ways of coping with stress.

What will I receive for my participation?

If you agree to take part in this research study, you will be compensated for your time in the following ways: 

You and your partner will be randomly assigned to one of two groups – (1) A Relationship Education e-course Group or (2) a virtual Reality (VR) Exposure to Nature Group. Couples assigned to the Relationship Education Group will receive relationship education materials and one laptop to be shared as a couple. Couples assigned to the Virtual Reality Exposure to Nature Group will receive one set of VR goggles to be shared as a couple. You and your partner will keep the materials sent to you.

Additionally, you and your partner will receive financial compensation as you progress through the study: 

1. After you and your partner have completed the first survey, the 7-day stress diary, and the intervention, you'll receive a $50 gift card for your household.

2. After you and your partner have completed the second survey and another 7-day stress diary, you'll receive a $20 gift card for your household.

3. After you and your partner have completed the third survey and the corresponding 7-day stress diary, you'll receive another $20 gift card for your household.

*Note: Both you and your partner must complete each of these tasks to qualify for the gift cards.

In sum, you and your partner will keep the materials sent to you (education materials and one laptop OR one VR headset) and you and your partner can earn up to $90 in gift cards for your household upon completion of phases two, three, and four of the study. 


Has this study been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

Yes, this study has been approved by the University of Georgia and the University of Minnesota both IRBs. The Study ID is VERSION00001370.

Ok, I'm interested, what's next?

Thank you for your interest in participating in this study. To ensure that you are eligible, please complete the survey using the link below and someone from our team will contact you either by email or phone call. If you are not eligible, all information here will be promptly deleted within a week of our staff reviewing your responses.

To find out if you're eligible, complete the survey. You won't be signing up for anything at this time.

Question: call 612-301-6039 or email [email protected]